Year | Month | Recipient |
2021 | May | Robert H. Mitchell, Jr. |
2017 | December | Deacon Bill Garrett |
2017 | June | Dick Marklein |
2016 | December | Mary “Nonna” Monroe |
2016 | December | Mary Ann Dellaria |

Over the years, Mary Ann Dellaria has been a constant presence at our Fish Fry dinners, by supporting our Brother servers and bringing special desserts for the volunteers. Mary Ann is the delivery point for the Feed the Needy team’s collection of Publix-donated bakery items.
During 2016, Mary Ann distributed more than $40,000 worth of bakery items to needy families and communities in northern Atlanta. She also collected and distributed Costco-donated bakery items, helping even more families.
Mary Ann’s service continues within our parish through the ministries of Christ Renews His Parish, the Adoration group, and the Women’s Circle. Her extraordinary efforts serve as an ongoing legacy of the service of her beloved deceased husband, our own Sir Knight Bill Lehman.
Grand Knight – Pat Fahey
Deputy Grand Knight – Jim Gonzales
Family Life – Joe Kane

All Saints Council recognizes our Brother, Deacon William Garrett, for his extraordinary service in bringing the new home of Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School into being at its new location. He was instrumental in obtaining the donation of the new building, supervising it renovation, staffing it, gathering the students, and guiding its completion. As the President of this institution, his actions meet the highest standards of Knights of Columbus service. God bless and keep you Deacon Bill.

All Saints Council thanks our worthy Chancellor, Dick Marklein, for his years of dedication in recruiting scores of members and escorting them through their progression.
Dick laid the groundwork for a roundtable at the Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Mission that will someday become a new Council.
His 3872-mile 52-day bicycle trek across America for Cristo Rey Atlanta High School was perhaps the most extraordinary event in the Council’s history.
May God bless this devoted Brother to which we owe our gratitude.

In belated recognition of the continuous years of faithful brotherhood displayed by Sir Knight Robert Mitchell in service to Council 11402 and Assembly 2688. Always a fixture at every event, he served multiple 3-year rotations as Trustee, is one of the Fish Fry set-up and tear-down tri-managers, and reported Fish Fry vital statistics. Bob advocated charities, served as Conferring Officer of the 3rd Degree, recruited new Brothers, and won the Shining Armor Award.
Bob served as Faithful Navigator and held other officer positions of the Watters Assembly, commanded the Color Corp, was a Special Olympics champion, and was a presenter of chalices to new priests.
Bob partnered with his wife, Anita, performing activities worthy of Family of the Month and Family of the Year Awards.
Such constant devotion to the Order is deserving of this special commendation and honor his grateful brothers.

The only “head chef” that our BINGO events have eer had is Mary “Nonna” Monroe. Her devoted support requires that she arrive about 3:30 PM before BINGO to prepare food in the Social Hall kitchen. Some BINGO meals even required preparation days in advance by herself in her home. She cuts peppers, onions, garlic which are the prime ingredients of Dominic Palermo’s mother’s special marinara sauce recipe.
In the days before the BINGO team garnered its official Georgia State Bingo license thus before cash prizes were legal, Mary supplied the winning prizes from her antique business. She provided at her expense items of jewelry, books, plaques, antiques, or estate sale items to winning players.
Little in stature, she runs a tight ship in her kitchen. No one gets near her creations without her permission. Council 11402 accords Mary her long overdue recognition of her extraordinary volunteer support that makes our monthly BINGO nights a parish and community celebration.
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