Life Program

“Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition” (St. John Paul II, 1995). The urgency of the threat to a culture of life in our world cannot be misunderstood. The Knights of Columbus vigorously defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. Councils and parishes can work to build a culture of life and a civilization of love through these important programs.


The All Saints council supports the following activities

Adoration for the Unborn

Mass for the Unborn

Mother’s/Father’s Day Pro-Life Handouts

Pregnancy Aid Center Baby Bottles

SignUpGenius is used to solicit volunteers for each of these activities.

Adoration for the Unborn

Timeframe and Location:  This activity occurs on the 21st and 22nd of each month in the Mary, Queen of the Knights Chapel at All Saints.
Purpose:  The purpose of this activity is to provide time in the Mary, Queen of the Knights Chapel to worship and pray for the unborn and our own intentions.
Volunteer Opportunities:  Volunteers are needed to man the Mary, Queen of the Knights Chapel at All Saints for one hour blocks of time from 6:00 PM on the 21st to 7:00 AM on the 22nd of every month.  Once signed-up, the activity chair will provide the passcode for the locked chapel door.

For more information, contact the Activity Chair.

Mass for the Unborn

Timeframe and Location:  This activity occurs during the weekend closest to the Roe vs. Wade anniversary (January 22, 1973), usually at the 10:30 AM Sunday mass at All Saints.
Purpose:  The purpose of the Mass is to honor the unborn children.
Volunteer Opportunities:  Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up and tear-down of tables and chairs in McGivney Hall for the refreshments served (coffee and cake) following the selected mass.

For more information, contact the Activity Chair.

Mother’s/Father’s Day Pro-Life Handouts

Timeframe:  This activity occurs at the end of each mass at All Saints during the weekends of Mother’s/Father’s Day.
Purpose:  The purpose of the handouts is to remind all parishioners attending Mass that we, as a faith, support the right-to-life for all children.
Volunteer Opportunities:  Volunteers are needed to man the three entrances to the church after each weekend Mass to hand-out pamphlets detailing our faith’s support of the unborn.

For more information, contact the Activity Chair.

Pregnancy Aid Center Baby Bottles

Timeframe and Location:  This activity occurs over two weekends in January.  The first weekend, baby bottles, envelopes and Pro-Life literature are distributed at the church entrances.  The second weekend, filled bottles and envelopes are collected.
Purpose:  The purpose of this activity is to assist the fundraising efforts of the All Saints Respect for Life ministry.
Volunteer Opportunities:  Volunteers are needed after all masses for both weekends of this activity.
     Weekend 1:  After all Masses, man one of the three tables outside the church exits to distribute baby bottles, envelopes, or Pro-Life literature.
     Weekend 2:  After all Masses, collect baby bottles and envelopes, and distribute literature.

For more information, contact the Activity Chair.